Sunday, March 14, 2010

say hello to my little friends

Double post today! I finished up a few DIYs this weekend so I thought I'd share. More to come this week, featuring... feathers?!

You've already been acquainted with my studded shirt [left].
Introducing my new shredded ribbon tee [centre] and silk panelled tank [right]!

Close-up of the shredded bottom hem

Silk panels and a little ribbon detailing sewn into the sides of a plain white tank.


  1. i love the shredded look.
    very cool.

  2. Thanks! You guys are too sweet =)

  3. Your creations are so neat! You got me thinking! I want to make bandeaus out of some old t-shirts with spandex in them!! I don't have a sewing machine though :(
    Ahh i'm going to be daydreaming about this now instead of studying!
